Saturday, October 29, 2011

2nd Project for 2D design

The Process

The Final Piece
This is my second project to my 2D design... I had to use two words to represent which are "Light & Dense" so I came up with this Idea of candles wearing straightjackets.... I had to make 5 sketches at first and then the professor and the class chose one of them which I had to develop....After that I made the final piece which was 25x25 in black foam board which was cut to make this candle silhouettes and then I made 4 boxes and another foam board. I also added a live circuit with lights and a switch. It took me like more than 25 hrs, I believe.

I'm in the ShowCase !

When I first entered the class, one of my friends in the class told me that I should check something out. So, she took me to the showcase and then I saw my piece and hers. The professor chose our pieces between 17 art works to showcase ;D ...I'm so Happy.. El 7emdellah.. !

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2D design Project (Line)

This is Actually was my first Design project in my 2d design class. Its basically all about creating verity of lines and applying them to a well balanced composition. So, I made these two final pieces on photoshop and printed them out 40x18 in' I think, I don't remember ;s .... The first one which I really LOVE !! but the second piece, I just printed it out because the professor liked it XD !