Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clohanel Conttous

A short movie for my 2D design project where the story take place in the clouds (troposphere level) between a farmer and his giant cotton plant. (Made in 4 days)

Special thanks to
Prof. Cory Card
Ji Hye Ma (partner)

The overall concept which is the contrast between the smooth and hard (the red intense scene) is inspired by the flower plant itself. When you look at the cotton flower, you will notice that the top of it is really soft and the bottom which holds the soft cotton is really tough, dry and hard. Also, when the farmer approach the clohanel conttous you'll see bugs running away, these bugs are called Cotton Harlequin Bug which are an actual bugs that feeds on the cotton leaves. So when the farmer approaches the cotton plant, these bugs run away which means that the farmer fertilizes the plant and there is also a scene where he poor water to it and that is showing how the plant manipulate its subject for its own interests.


The farmer: a really vulnerable, innocent, secretive personality that have a strong determinations to get what he aims for.

The Cotton Plant (Clohanel Conttous): a human-cotton hybrid that is generous and soft, yet vicious and fierce. Also, it provides the magical cotton to the farmer in exchange for water and protection from insects.

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